Monday, September 30, 2019

Social Inequality

Social Inequality Today, there are many stereotypes and discriminatory practices that act as barriers to a woman's advancement within the workplace. While it is undeniable that there are biological and physical differences between men and women, often times these differences are used to justify the unequal treatment of women not only in the workplace, but within society as a whole. Throughout history, women have often been viewed as the weaker sex and thus their place was thought to be within the home as the family caretaker.Unfortunately, these views continue to define the different social roles for men and women in the world today. This is an issue that almost everyone woman at some point in their life has had to face. Some may experience this unequal treatment at their work place, during their education, or in their everyday lives. Historically, a woman’s primary job was managing the household. As housewives who had no source of income besides that of what their husbands ea rned. In the public’s eye women were nothing more than wives, homemakers, caregivers, and mothers.It was not thought of for a woman to work a â€Å"real job† their place was at home taking care of the family. Throughout history women have struggled for equality. The Suffrage Movement and later the Affirmative Action were efforts to increase equality among genders. As the United States economy was changing to a more industrialized one it demanded more workers. While men were at war, the demand for workers needed for war production increased. Women decided to help out with war efforts by taking over the jobs left by men. This step was huge for women realizing their potential in the workplace.Prior to 1963 it was legal for a business to pay a woman performing similar work as a man a lower wage. It was also rare to find a woman in a position of authority in a workplace. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 required gender equality for payment of wages. From that point forward it was illegal for an employer to pay a woman a lower wage than a man simply because of her gender. A woman who suffers discrimination under the terms of this law may sue her employer in civil court to recover lost wages and punitive damages. A year later, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed.This granted equal rights to women in all areas of employment. Discrimination of any kind in the workplace based on gender was now illegal. The passing of the Civil Rights Act opened new career doors for women and supplied them with the legal support to do so. However, The Civil Rights Act was amended in 1991 when the federal government moved to include sexual harassment in the law's statutes. This revision allowed women to sue employers who permitted sexual harassment in the workplace for compensatory and punitive damages in court.This amendment to the Act did not stop sexual harassment in the workplace but it does help to empower women to fight back against the behavior. Even with these laws ther e is still a significant pay gap among men and women. For example in 2011, women working full time in the United States typically earned just 77 percent of what men earned, a gap of 23 percent. This gap has narrowed since the 1970s, due mainly to women’s progress in education and workforce participation and to men’s wages rising at a slower rate. The subject of equal pay is not only a woman’s issue but also the family’s issue.Families are relaying on women’s earning more than ever just to make ends meet. In typical married households, women’s incomes accounted for 36 percent of total family income in 2008, up from 29 percent in 1983. These days a large majority of mothers are in the paid labor force, and about one-third of employed mothers are the sole breadwinners for their families. For the 34 percent of working mothers who are the sole breadwinner for their family; either because they are single parents or their spouses is not in the labo r force.The gender pay gap can contribute to poor living conditions, poor nutrition, and fewer opportunities for their children. And for these women, closing the gender pay gap is much more than a point of pride it’s a matter of necessity. In 2011 women working full time made annual earnings of $37,118, while men annually made $48,202. Although statistics show the gender pay gap is smallest among the youngest workers. For instance, in 2010 full-time workers ages 16–19, women earned 95 percent of what men earned on a weekly basis.Among workers 65 years and older, women earned only 76 percent of what their male peers earned. Women typically earn more than 90 percent of what men earn until around the age of 35, at which point median earnings for women start to grow much more slowly than median earnings for men. After age 35, women’s median earnings fall to between 75 and 80 percent of the median earnings of men and remain there until retirement. When you look at ed ucation statistics you’ll see that more education is an effective tool for increasing earnings, but it is not an effective tool against the gender pay gap.At every level of academic achievement, women’s median earnings are less than men’s median earnings, and in some cases, the gender pay gap is larger at higher levels of education. While more education is an effective tool for increasing earnings, it is not an effective tool against the gender pay gap. In nearly every line of work, women face a pay gap no matter their education background or training. While a pay gap exists in nearly every occupational field, jobs traditionally associated with men tend to pay better than traditional female jobs, regardless of skill required.Even in 2012, women and men still tend to work in different kinds of jobs. This segregation of occupations is a major factor behind the pay gap. A significant part of the problem with workplace inequality is that women, throughout history ha ve traditionally assumed the responsibility of child-rearing. As a result, women's work outside the home is still seen as secondary or supplemental, even when they occupy highly skilled, professional, or management positions. The reasoning is that the Father's responsibility is with employment, while the Mother's is with the household.However, this is increasingly no longer the case in modern society. Employers often perceive working mothers as confronting a conflict of loyalty between home and work, and assume that these women, regardless of their circumstances, will lack the commitment required of the â€Å"ideal worker,† and thus they often exclude women as candidates for positions structured for such workers. Studies have shown that often times when a woman has to take a leave of absence from her job to meet family responsibilities, these absences have hurt their potential for future advancement within their organizations and others.Some businesses feel women will place t heir professional lives on hold in order to attend to family needs. This however is not always the case. If needed there should be a child care facilities on site, which should provide flexible working arrangements and hours. I personally believe that woman can balance the two lives, if the company is willing to provide assistance. There is experimental research documented showing that employers are less likely to hire mothers compared with childless women, and when employers do make an offer to a mother, they offer them lower salaries than they do other women.Fathers, in contrast, do not suffer a penalty compared with other men. Clearly, parenthood often affects men and women very differently in terms of labor force participation and how they are viewed by employers, and that difference may be reflected in a worker’s salary. According to the U. S. Department of Labor, more than 50% of women participate in the labor force. Of those 57 million in the workforce, only 72% work f ull time while the other 28% are part time workers. Many of those part-time workers hold multiple jobs.Even though women occupy more jobs than before, we can still a concentration in jobs being viewed as traditionally female. The top five occupations for women in 2003 were secretaries and administrative assistants (96. 3%), elementary and middle school teachers (80. 6%), registered nurses (90. 2%), nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides (89%), and cashiers (75. 5%). Women continue to get paid less than men. Despite the awareness of gender inequality, there are still arguments about gender difference and assumptions that women and men are from different plants.The workplace still remains an unequal area, by persistent sex segregation, wage inequality, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment. Both women and men work, not only because they have to but want to. Employers should not judge women as being non-dependable. Family structure has changed dramatically over the years. Both parents share the family responsibilities. To compensate for the change businesses have introduced flextime, job sharing, telecommuting, on-site day care, and parental leave.Employers should accommodate a woman’s needs and expand the gender diversity in their company. There was a time where balance of respect and roles never existed between the two, but today, both men and women are truly redefining themselves and their relationships with each other. Most importantly women have broken from the bondage of dependence on men. They no longer have to submit themselves to one main role in the family life as the mother; they can now go beyond that and become the family breadwinner. Social Inequality Social Inequality Today, there are many stereotypes and discriminatory practices that act as barriers to a woman's advancement within the workplace. While it is undeniable that there are biological and physical differences between men and women, often times these differences are used to justify the unequal treatment of women not only in the workplace, but within society as a whole. Throughout history, women have often been viewed as the weaker sex and thus their place was thought to be within the home as the family caretaker.Unfortunately, these views continue to define the different social roles for men and women in the world today. This is an issue that almost everyone woman at some point in their life has had to face. Some may experience this unequal treatment at their work place, during their education, or in their everyday lives. Historically, a woman’s primary job was managing the household. As housewives who had no source of income besides that of what their husbands ea rned. In the public’s eye women were nothing more than wives, homemakers, caregivers, and mothers.It was not thought of for a woman to work a â€Å"real job† their place was at home taking care of the family. Throughout history women have struggled for equality. The Suffrage Movement and later the Affirmative Action were efforts to increase equality among genders. As the United States economy was changing to a more industrialized one it demanded more workers. While men were at war, the demand for workers needed for war production increased. Women decided to help out with war efforts by taking over the jobs left by men. This step was huge for women realizing their potential in the workplace.Prior to 1963 it was legal for a business to pay a woman performing similar work as a man a lower wage. It was also rare to find a woman in a position of authority in a workplace. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 required gender equality for payment of wages. From that point forward it was illegal for an employer to pay a woman a lower wage than a man simply because of her gender. A woman who suffers discrimination under the terms of this law may sue her employer in civil court to recover lost wages and punitive damages. A year later, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed.This granted equal rights to women in all areas of employment. Discrimination of any kind in the workplace based on gender was now illegal. The passing of the Civil Rights Act opened new career doors for women and supplied them with the legal support to do so. However, The Civil Rights Act was amended in 1991 when the federal government moved to include sexual harassment in the law's statutes. This revision allowed women to sue employers who permitted sexual harassment in the workplace for compensatory and punitive damages in court.This amendment to the Act did not stop sexual harassment in the workplace but it does help to empower women to fight back against the behavior. Even with these laws ther e is still a significant pay gap among men and women. For example in 2011, women working full time in the United States typically earned just 77 percent of what men earned, a gap of 23 percent. This gap has narrowed since the 1970s, due mainly to women’s progress in education and workforce participation and to men’s wages rising at a slower rate. The subject of equal pay is not only a woman’s issue but also the family’s issue.Families are relaying on women’s earning more than ever just to make ends meet. In typical married households, women’s incomes accounted for 36 percent of total family income in 2008, up from 29 percent in 1983. These days a large majority of mothers are in the paid labor force, and about one-third of employed mothers are the sole breadwinners for their families. For the 34 percent of working mothers who are the sole breadwinner for their family; either because they are single parents or their spouses is not in the labo r force.The gender pay gap can contribute to poor living conditions, poor nutrition, and fewer opportunities for their children. And for these women, closing the gender pay gap is much more than a point of pride it’s a matter of necessity. In 2011 women working full time made annual earnings of $37,118, while men annually made $48,202. Although statistics show the gender pay gap is smallest among the youngest workers. For instance, in 2010 full-time workers ages 16–19, women earned 95 percent of what men earned on a weekly basis.Among workers 65 years and older, women earned only 76 percent of what their male peers earned. Women typically earn more than 90 percent of what men earn until around the age of 35, at which point median earnings for women start to grow much more slowly than median earnings for men. After age 35, women’s median earnings fall to between 75 and 80 percent of the median earnings of men and remain there until retirement. When you look at ed ucation statistics you’ll see that more education is an effective tool for increasing earnings, but it is not an effective tool against the gender pay gap.At every level of academic achievement, women’s median earnings are less than men’s median earnings, and in some cases, the gender pay gap is larger at higher levels of education. While more education is an effective tool for increasing earnings, it is not an effective tool against the gender pay gap. In nearly every line of work, women face a pay gap no matter their education background or training. While a pay gap exists in nearly every occupational field, jobs traditionally associated with men tend to pay better than traditional female jobs, regardless of skill required.Even in 2012, women and men still tend to work in different kinds of jobs. This segregation of occupations is a major factor behind the pay gap. A significant part of the problem with workplace inequality is that women, throughout history ha ve traditionally assumed the responsibility of child-rearing. As a result, women's work outside the home is still seen as secondary or supplemental, even when they occupy highly skilled, professional, or management positions. The reasoning is that the Father's responsibility is with employment, while the Mother's is with the household.However, this is increasingly no longer the case in modern society. Employers often perceive working mothers as confronting a conflict of loyalty between home and work, and assume that these women, regardless of their circumstances, will lack the commitment required of the â€Å"ideal worker,† and thus they often exclude women as candidates for positions structured for such workers. Studies have shown that often times when a woman has to take a leave of absence from her job to meet family responsibilities, these absences have hurt their potential for future advancement within their organizations and others.Some businesses feel women will place t heir professional lives on hold in order to attend to family needs. This however is not always the case. If needed there should be a child care facilities on site, which should provide flexible working arrangements and hours. I personally believe that woman can balance the two lives, if the company is willing to provide assistance. There is experimental research documented showing that employers are less likely to hire mothers compared with childless women, and when employers do make an offer to a mother, they offer them lower salaries than they do other women.Fathers, in contrast, do not suffer a penalty compared with other men. Clearly, parenthood often affects men and women very differently in terms of labor force participation and how they are viewed by employers, and that difference may be reflected in a worker’s salary. According to the U. S. Department of Labor, more than 50% of women participate in the labor force. Of those 57 million in the workforce, only 72% work f ull time while the other 28% are part time workers. Many of those part-time workers hold multiple jobs.Even though women occupy more jobs than before, we can still a concentration in jobs being viewed as traditionally female. The top five occupations for women in 2003 were secretaries and administrative assistants (96. 3%), elementary and middle school teachers (80. 6%), registered nurses (90. 2%), nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides (89%), and cashiers (75. 5%). Women continue to get paid less than men. Despite the awareness of gender inequality, there are still arguments about gender difference and assumptions that women and men are from different plants.The workplace still remains an unequal area, by persistent sex segregation, wage inequality, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment. Both women and men work, not only because they have to but want to. Employers should not judge women as being non-dependable. Family structure has changed dramatically over the years. Both parents share the family responsibilities. To compensate for the change businesses have introduced flextime, job sharing, telecommuting, on-site day care, and parental leave.Employers should accommodate a woman’s needs and expand the gender diversity in their company. There was a time where balance of respect and roles never existed between the two, but today, both men and women are truly redefining themselves and their relationships with each other. Most importantly women have broken from the bondage of dependence on men. They no longer have to submit themselves to one main role in the family life as the mother; they can now go beyond that and become the family breadwinner.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Classical Hollywood Style Essay

‘Classical Hollywood cinema possesses a style which is largely invisible and difficult for the average spectator to see. The narrative is delivered so effortlessly and efficiently to the audience that it appears to have no source. It comes magically off the screen.’ John Belton, film scholar, Rutgers University Classical Hollywood narrative refers to the filmmaking tradition established in Hollywood during the 1920s and 1930s. It became the dominant style throughout the western world against which all other styles were judged. While there have been some challenges to it in recent years, it remains the accepted style for most Hollywood films today. The Hollywood style is so effective in convincing us what we see on the screen is real that we often have to forcibly remind ourselves that it is ‘only a movie’. Oddly Hollywood, so often associated with everything that is fake, is also the home of classical narrative realism. ‘Tinsel town’ has spent a fortune every year since the 1920s faking realism. What are classical Hollywood narrative films? Classical Hollywood narrative films have plots that progress through time in a linear way, are based on character-driven action and use the continuity editing style (see page 233). The style is ‘classical’ because it is based on the classical principles of literature and art. A work is described as classical if it has perfect balance and symmetry. It must also be clear, simple and free of excesses of emotionalism or irrelevant detail. From beginning to end, all elements must be integrated and the resulting sense of harmony should reassure and satisfy the audience. Features of classical Hollywood narrative The Hollywood style takes advantage of the compact people make with the filmmaker when they pay their ticket price. They willingly want to ‘suspend disbelief’ (see page 135). Deep down, people know it is tomato sauce, but they really want to believe it is blood. In a conspiracy with the audience to make movies believable, classical Hollywood narrative has developed the following features. Three-act narrative. Hollywood plots are set out according to the three-act structure of orientation, complication and resolution (see pages 138-9). A situation is presented, a disruption is introduced, and then the resolution ties everything up in a strong closure. Life is not so simple, of course, and actual events rarely have such neat starts or finishes. Even so, the word realism can be applied to Hollywood style because it is based on classic literary narrative realism. Objective storytelling. The audience in a Hollywood film knows more than the characters do. We are able to see what is happening in other places at the same time, and we can see what other characters are doing. In this respect we are god-like – we can see everything! This makes the style of storytelling objective, according to film academics David Bordwell and Kristen Thompson. It also allows us to accept simultaneous time or parallel editing (see page 25). Character driven. The American style of cinema is almost exclusively concerned with individual characters (and stars). This contrasts sharply with the Soviet montage style of filmmaking. The objective of the Hollywood movie is to relate what happens to the characters and whether or not they got what they wanted. The films have strong individual characters who struggle to fulfil their hopes and goals. These characters are arranged in a hierarchy, from hero or protagonist (see page 141) to antagonist and then down to minor characters and supporting cast. Mise-en-scene. One of the most important aspects of Hollywood style is the mise-en-scene (see page 17), whose sole function is to manufacture realism. Time and space. American movies have a strong sense of movement – either through time or through geography. The story movement through time most often follows a straightforward line of episodic events. Flashbacks or flashforwards may be used, but the overall linear direction is strongly maintained. Whether through time or space, movement is totally subordinate to the action, say Bordwell and Thompson. Only the bits that are important to the story are shown. Classical continuity editing. A typical feature film has between 800 and 1200 shots. Editing is designed to render all these shot changes invisible or imperceptible. Editing in the invisible style serves to hide any jumps or discontinuities that would alert the viewer to ‘non-reality’. Following are some of the features of continuity editing (more detail is provided in chapter 2): †¢ Shot progressions in the classical Hollywood style – ELS, LS, MS, CU †¢ Continuity cutting – for example, cutting on action or movement to distract the viewer †¢ Matching techniques to hide cuts – for instance, eyelines are matched †¢ Transitions such as dissolves smooth the remaining joins where necessary †¢ Simultaneous time or parallel editing (crosscutting) †¢ Application of the 18O degree rule †¢ Use of three-point lighting to naturalise appearances †¢ Use of music is subservient to the story – it just reinforces the meaning.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

In what ways does the presentation of Polonius contribute to the play Hamlet? Essay

‘Hamlet’ By William Shakespeare Question: In what ways does the presentation of Polonius contribute to the play Hamlet? Answer: Polonius, counsellor to the King, father of Ophelia and Laertes (and although there is no evidence, it is possible that he held a position at court under Hamlet’s father, the old King), seems to have a close and developed relationship with the Royal family and knows a lot about the family history and background in detail. With the audience knowing this, Shakespeare can use Polonius as a weapon against Claudius in order to protect himself or to blackmail the King. He is a man who is trusted by Claudius, the King of Denmark who tells Laertes, Polonius’ son, that his father is incalculably important to Denmark, † The head is not more native to the heart, The hand is more instrumental to the mouth, Than is the throne of Denmark to thy father. † (Act 1 Scene 2- Lines 47-49) Here, the audience would most probably be double-minded and slightly confused. This is because; this quote could have a double meaning. It could be that Claudius wants to get rid of Polonius but finds difflculty in doing so as he is a faithful servant towards himself, the King. Polonius could be an â€Å"instrumental† devise for Claudius for those critical times. We soon learn that Polonius is an over-protective father who only wants to protect his children from society and has a strong authority over his son and daughter. This is learnt when Claudius calls to Laertes: â€Å"Have you your father’s leave? What says Polonius? † (Act 1 Scene 2- Line 57) More evidence of Polonius’ fatherhood is reflected in Act 1 Scene 3, when Laertes is talking to Ophelia before he is about to leave for France. Polonius enters the scene giving lecture-like advice to Laertes about factors to engage in and factors not to engage in. † Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. † (Act 1 Scene 3-Line 61) He does not trust his son, which is why Polonius calls on Reynaldo â€Å"to make inquire of his behaviour. † Not only this, but he gives long-winded advise to Ophelia without considering her feelings by playing with his words, and accusing Ophelia of not being able to make her own sensible decisions. â€Å"You speak like a green girl† (Act 1 Scene 3-Line 101) Polonius’ playing with words does not stop here; he uses plays on words to make himself seem intelligent, while the king and queen are not impressed at all. When he realizes that his ‘artificial intelligence’ is not working, he comes up with his â€Å"lovesick† plan (to spy on Hamlet and use Ophelia). Polonius does not only ‘educate’ his children for their own benefits but also to his advantage. He uses them, Ophelia in particular, to promote his career leading to Claudius to be proud when it is revealed that Ophelia is carrying out her father’s dirty work for him without knowing, which reveals the degree of Polonius’ craftiness. Polonius’ job is his priority (this is reflected when he uses Ophelia to maintain his head high in front of the King) and it is shown in the play that he is capable of going to extreme measures just in order to satisfy all and to keep his head high. I think he wants all too much to impress the king and queen, which explain his silly â€Å"talking in circles. † For example, when he says, â€Å"Give first admittance to th’ambassadors; My news shall be the fruit to that great feast. † (Act 2 Scene 2-Lines 51-52) Shakespeare uses a character like Polonius in this play to complement the whole play. Polonius’ ironical jokes make the audience laugh and balances out the play against the tense and important scenes in the play, HAMLET † Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a camel? † POLONIUS † By th’mass, and ’tis like a camel indeed. HAMLET † Methinks it is like a weasel. POLONIUS † It is backed like a weasel. HAMLET † Or like a whale? POLONIUS † Very like a whale. (Act 3 Scene 2-Lines 339-344) In act 3 scene 2, when Polonius is told to fetch Hamlet, Hamlet plays with his words towards Polonius and makes him say anything that he, Hamlet chooses. Polonius is made to say that he sees imaginary shapes, which Hamlet suggests, are in the clouds.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Four Points Kingston Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Four Points Kingston - Case Study Example The objective of the Four Point Kingston is that to provide the proper response and service to the people or the customers who comes there and to provide them rooms with a nominal and a reasonable tariff compared to the other resorts or the hotels. Apart from that they also provide the people with a good equipment room and lot of relaxation games and the activities that are present there. Also to give the customers a happy and a long lasting memory full of happiness about the stay in the resort. Four Point Kingston is providing a lot of features to the customer but it also have some other problems and issues they are nothing but the problems due to the competitions and the future planning. This has to be taken into account and should be dealt in an expertise manner in order to avoid the bitter results because the competitive places are also the reputed ones and they do provide a good customer service. The main problem is that the competitive places have a fully equipped sight seeing place that is from the place the Kingston harbor is visible and is able to provide the customers a nice sight seeing place in the same way four point also provides the sight seeing of a lake which tallies the other. Apart from this pro Apart from this problem Four Point also suffers some other problem which is the vacancy of the rooms. Most of the customers who arrive to Kingston come mainly to be relaxed and to get some pleasure. So most of the rooms get booked only in the season timing and mostly they are all peak at that time. But at the other timings most of the rooms are left just like that this is the other problem faced by the Kingston group. SHORT TERM & LONG TERM The Four Point Kingston is a nice place for the tourists to stay and enjoy having pleasure but also certain things has to get enhanced because there are certain places that has been developed in a greater extent to attract more number of people. So it has to concentrate on the profits and the enhanced services that have to be provided in the mere future. RECOMMENDATION Lot of recommendations can be given for the development in the short term the main thing that has to be increased is the revenues to the concern or in other words the profitability to the four points. This can be achieved by allotting the vaccant rooms to a least benefit by giving certain concessions and at the same time through some simple enhanced services instead of the costly ones. Like instead of giving coffee machines can provide coffee to the persons directly twice a day or else providing some decent but cheaper drinks. So the vacant rooms also will be occupied and at the same time the lesser cost will be tallied using this system. Also making the conference halls well equipped. But

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Persuade the reader to purchase a hybrid vehicle Essay

Persuade the reader to purchase a hybrid vehicle - Essay Example This model car was developed after realising that traditional automobiles were significantly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to the destruction of the environment through global warming. Apart from using natural gas, hybrid cars also use a lithium-ion battery which can be recharged at special recharge points. These cars are environmental friendly since they do not emit any carbon footprint that can damage the environment. Hybrid cars are also fast and efficient which make them ideal for personal and family use. These cars can also be classified as luxury brands and they are very attractive. Toyota and Honda are currently the major actors in this sector and they manufacture economic hybrid cars. The other advantage of buying a hybrid car is that they are easy to maintain in the long run. We are currently living in a world that is characterised by a volatile economy. For instance, the prices of gas and oil are constantly increasing and these have spiral effects on the motorists who have to fork out more money for their daily fuel requirements. Though hybrid cars are expensive to purchase for the first time, it can be seen that they are economic in the long run. Since these are powered by natural gas, it can be observed that there would be no hassle for the motorists to worry about rising prices of oil. The other important point to consider about hybrid cars is that they are all weather terrain vehicles. They can be operated efficiently in any type of environment. Basically, hybrid cars present quite a lot of benefits to the consumers compared to other traditional vehicles though their price may be a setback to the majority of customers. Hybrid cars are environmental friendly and they can provide a long lasting solution to the problem of global warming. Hybrid cars are economic in the long run since they are not powered by fossil fuels that are

Operation Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Operation Management - Essay Example The researcher of this essay is aimed to answer on questions, such as How many trucks are needed to ship the pallets to the manufacturer?, What is likely to happen if the trucks break down?, How can the supplier ensure that the customer does not run out of parts even in the face of delivery problems or other uncertainties?, What will happen if the manufacturer runs into trouble and shuts down for a period of 6 hours? And If unexpected overtime is required, how do you effectively communicate the need to your workforce? Firstly, the researcher presents the business, both manufacturer and the supplier and analyzes their strengths and weaknesses. The researcher states that usually industry procedures are more or less standardized. If the supplier at present are supplying pallets to a manufacturer who uses two pallets an hour, it is logical to think that he is using some standardized process and that there are other manufacturers who might be using the same standard procedure and requirin g the same number of pallets per hour. Also the supplier may think in another way, that is to present manufacturing unit or department or store setup, that is geared up to service a customer who uses two pallets per hour, therefore, to achieve the net profit maximization goals, that the supplier would logically try to obtain similar contracts from similar manufacturers. It is then concluded that if the customer i.e. the manufacturer gets 2 pallets per hour, his requirement is fulfilled and similarly for other manufacturers as well.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Questions - Essay Example Tamim was a woman who was thought to have transgressed the limits placed on women by the Egyptian society’s norms and values. According to the norms and values of the Egyptian society, women are naà ¯ve and are not able to make intelligent and informed decisions. Therefore, Egyptian women think that Ms. Tamim must have raged Moustapha with her acts to the point where he had no option but to have her killed. They think that had Ms. Tamim respected the societal expectations with her role as a woman, she would have had a better fate. The incident described in the article connects with the stereotypes of women in the region since it reveals the philosophy of the Egyptian society, that includes the philosophy of men about the role of women in the society in general and the philosophy of women about women’s role in the society in particular. Ms. Tamim was considered to deserve her fate because she belonged to a profession and had a kind of lifestyle that the vast majority of the society disapproved of. Everything from her relationships to her dressing was controversial given the Egyptian society expects women to be dressed modestly, and be submissive toward their husbands. Yes, honor does enter into why Moustapha had Ms. Tamim killed. Moustapha is considered honorable because he has lived up to the society’s ideal expectations. The Egyptian society’s ideal expectations from men include but are not limited to being rich, having a family and children, and having power and influence in the society. Sources of honor in the Egyptian society include having good family reputation and being wealthy. Since Moustapha has both, he is deemed honorable in the Egyptian society and is thus trusted for having a sound reason to have Ms. Tamim killed. The reduced sentence of Moustapha indicates the being a man is to a large extent reason enough to cause any harm to a woman in the Egyptian society. Factors like being powerful, rich, and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Enhancement drug Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Enhancement drug - Essay Example It is from this use of memory and performance boosters that sharp debates emerge as to how positive or negative they might have on the society if their prescription is accepted. This study will discuss the reasons as to why cognitive enhancement drugs should not be made available to those in society who do not have cognitive deficiencies. This tough debate attracts the opinions of many with no single agreement on which side of the motion to take up to today, and this is debate never complete without the mention of two people: Edmund Higgins and one Henry Greely. These two make strong arguments in the debate, with Henry supports for the prescription of cognitive enhancement drugs claiming that they will significantly benefit the user and society if they have rules controlling their use. On his part, Higgins says that long-term use of these drugs might have hidden risks that will harm, rather than do the society any good. So who between Higgins and Greely supports the real cause for th e good of the society? To support the reason why I am against making ADHD available to those who do not have cognitive deficiency, I will state the reasons. The first reason is that the use of these drugs for purposes other than medical has a risk of addiction. According to research, some ADHD drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall lead to severe addiction and withdrawal, meaning it has an abuse potential. This is because once the user relies on the drugs for doing particular tasks, then it gets to a point where they cannot function nor do the tasks without the use of ADHD drugs. In a research carried out by Nora Volkow, there was evidence that injecting oneself with methylphenidate caused an effect like that of cocaine. On another note, these drugs give an unfair advantage to people who do not have cognitive deficiencies when they use them in competitive areas. For example if an athlete takes performance boosters and runs the same race with others who do not use them gives the user an unfair advantage. That is socially unacceptable because it means that instead of attending training like the other athletes, then the one using drugs to enhance their performance is being unfair because he uses a cheating method to win the race. In relation to the issue of unfair competition, it is possible that once people realize that others use enhancers to have an advantage over them, then they will also start using them so that they match them, or make the competition. This is not acceptable because it means they use the drugs not because they want to, but because they have to make the competition equal, which is a bad effect to the society. Another popular consequence of using these enhancing drugs as put by Higgins (2009), is an alteration of mood. The normal people taking enhancers without prescription display negative changes in their moods and they display excess emotion such as anger, or become abnormally silent. Research has found that stimulants affect the brain’ s reward pathways that control moods under normal condition therefore altering their normal functioning. This conclusion was made after a study conducted by Leandro F. Vendruscolo on rats where he was injecting them with methylphenidate for 16 days showed that they were anxious than those not injected with the drug. Greely is aware those brain enhancement mechanisms pose

Monday, September 23, 2019

Operations Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operations Management - Research Paper Example However, the bigger part of the research regarding Japanese management practices has emphasized on practices in Japan and the system in which these were diverged from practice of American firms. Moreover, the essential significance of HRM practices for the success of Japanese organizations has been discussed widely. Specifically, generating fortified employee cohesiveness, company commitment, and life time employment attended significant considerations. Furthermore, seniority-based pay systems along with extensive job rotation in different functions and slow promotion have been extensively discussed. Many facts revealed about Japanese HRM practices; however, very small number of them testified on their practicality, on the other hand a large part of our information is based on assumptions and past stories. There are eight rules which must be followed in practice of HRM. These eight rules are come into existence after practice and classification. These are fairness, frame of reference , scope, formality, time horizon, participation, individualism and explicitness. These eight aspects of HRM are being applied in all the countries of the world (Bird and Beechler, 1995). The model of lifetime employment has not been successful in all Japanese organizations. Definitely some practices were limited to only to established Japanese organizations. Long-term employment and seniority-based pay was only applicable to the limited numbers of workers in several organizations. Furthermore, their success was dependent on different dimensions. For instance, the requirement of organizational enhancement made possible the hiring of several young and comparatively cheap working forces and thus minimizes the expenses. Moreover, it also helped the companies to encourage the workers by developing fresh positions regarding promotions. Comparatively, the growth of the organizations was not probable without enhancing the efficiency of workers. Clearly, these skills were significant for the rising innovations that made able the firms of Japan to outclass their other counterparts of the world. However, these changes were not appropriate regarding knowledge-intensive and rapidly changing technologies. In the current economy, specific knowledge or fresh concepts, which are not related to the measurement of in-house training, are the initial motivators of the reasonable power of organizations. Thus, the aspects of long-term skill development were obstacles to a rapid and adjustable response to fresh chances. Furthermore Japanese companies have a larger scope, and their focal point is a broader set of targets and achievements. For instance, the bonuses of Japanese employees are attached to the wider performance of the firms as well as the employees have the advantage to take a large portion of bonuses to take home. This practice has also been observed in job rotation and training activities and this is the place where the emphasis is on the development of generalists not o n the specialists. Japanese firms are known for their search of excellence instead of equity. For instance, these firms reward the employees regularly. Moreover the pay is based on seniority basis and not on individual performance. This exhibits that these companies have been working to develop the society. It has been revealed that the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Two Treatises of Government Essay Example for Free

Two Treatises of Government Essay John Locke was born in 1632 and died in 1704. Locke is among the most in fluential polictical philosophers of the modern period. John Locke argued that the people have rights like the right to life,liberty and property. Locke was one of the founding fathers who were in favor of the right to revolt. The second amendment is opposed by the founders today. The american revolution its self is one of the most persuasive testimony illistrating the right to bear arms. The right of Revolution is the right or duty of the people of a nation to over throw a goverment that acts against their common interests. The concept of the right of revolution was also taken up by John Locke in two treaties of goverment as part of his social contact theory. The first treatise was aimed squarely at the work of another 17th-century political theorist, Sir Robert Filmer, whose Patriarcha (1680, though probably written in the 1630s) defended the theory of divine right of kings. Locke claims that Filmer’s doctrine defies â€Å"common sense. In Lockes Second Treatise on Civil Government Locke implies that all equal human beings will choose to obtain goods that will inevitably lead to conflict. Human beings must be governed by this natural law of morality before entering into a society. Locke proposed a radical conception of political philosophy deduced from the principle of self-ownership and the corollary right to own property, which in turn is based on his famous claim that a man earns ownership over a resource when he mixes his labour with it. Government, he argued, should be limited to securing the life and property of its citizens. John Locke, who writes from the view of a realist, argues that the government is established by a social contract, although they have limited powers, they can be modified by the authority that conferred them. Lockes second Treatise of Government fundamentally places sovereignty into the individuals hands. Locke, argued state of equality rather than war. Locke believed that in order for human beings to protect their property as well as themselves, they must join together and enter into a social contract, developing an executive power with authority. When the governing bodies begin to protect themselves instead of their people, Locke states that the people must resist and revolt, otherwise known as the â€Å"right of rebellion† where individuals should resist AND even attempt to replace the government. . 382 Revolution is no stranger to the united states. American revolution is how our country.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Current Trends In Computer Hardware Platforms Computer Science Essay

The Current Trends In Computer Hardware Platforms Computer Science Essay Mobile platform: more and more business computing is moving from PCs and desktop machines to mobile devices like cell phones and smartphones. Data transmissions, Web surfing, e-mail and instant messaging, digital content displays, and data exchanges with internal corporate systems are all available through a mobile digital platform. Netbooks, small low-cost lightweight subnotebooks that are optimized for wireless communication and Internet access, are included. The current version is called Windows Mobile 6.5. It is based on the Windows CE 5.2 kernel, and features a suite of basic applications developed using the Microsoft Windows API. It is designed to be somewhat similar to desktop versions of Windows, feature-wise and aesthetically. Additionally, third-party software development is available for Windows Mobile, and software applications can be purchased via the Windows Marketplace for Mobile. Originally appearing as the Pocket PC 2000 operating system, most Windows Mobile devices come with a stylus pen, which is used to enter commands by tapping it on the screen.[3] Microsoft announced a completely new phone platform, Windows Phone 7, at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on February 15, 2010. Phones running Windows Mobile 6.x will not be upgradeable to version 7.[4] Windows Mobiles share of the Smartphone market has fallen year-on-year,[5] decreasing 20% in Q3 2009.[6] It is the 5th most popular smartphone operating system, with a 5% share of the worldwide smartphone market (after Symbian, BlackBerry OS, Android and iPhone).[7] In the United States, it is the 3rd most popular smartphone operating system for business use (after BlackBerry OS and iPhone), with a 24% share among enterprise users.[8] Microsoft is phasing out Windows Mobile to specialized markets, such as rugged devices, and focusing on its new mobile platform, Windows Phone 7.[2] Common features Windows Mobile for Pocket PC carries these standard features in most of its versions: Today Screen shows the current date, owner information, upcoming appointments, e-mail messages, and tasks. (Is now Home screen in later WM6.5 builds) The taskbar shows the current time and the volume. Office Mobile a suite of Mobile versions of Microsoft Office applications Outlook Mobile comes with Windows Mobile. Internet Explorer Mobile is an Internet browser developed by Microsoft for Pocket PC and Handheld PC that comes loaded by default with Windows Mobile and Windows CE for Handheld PC. Windows Media Player for Windows Mobile. Client for PPTP VPNs. Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) which in mobile phones allows attached computers to share internet connections via USB and Bluetooth. Coherent file system similar to that of Windows 9x/Windows NT and support for many of the same file types. Ability to multitask. Hardware See also: List of Windows Mobile devices There are three versions of Windows Mobile for various hardware devices:[9] Windows Mobile Professional runs on (smartphones) with touchscreens Windows Mobile Standard runs on phones with regular screens Windows Mobile Classic which runs on Windows Mobile Classic devices (Pocket PCs). An O2 Pocket PC phone A Smartphone (T-Mobile Dash) Windows Mobile Classic devices (Pocket PC) A Windows Mobile Classic device is a Windows Mobile personal digital assistant (PDA) that does not have telephone functionality. It was formerly known as the Pocket PC. It was the original intended platform for the Windows Mobile operating system. These devices consisted of both standalone Pocket PC devices without mobile phone capabilities, and those that included mobile phone capabilities. The most current name of Windows Mobile intended for use on Pocket PCs is officially Windows Mobile 6 Professional for devices with mobile phone capabilities and Windows Mobile 6 Classic for devices without mobile phone capabilities. Windows Mobile Smartphones The Windows Mobile (Microsofts term for its range of smartphones) became the next hardware platform after the Pocket PC to run Windows Mobile, and debuted with the release of Pocket PC 2002. Although in the broad sense of the term Smartphone, both Pocket PC phones and Microsoft branded Smartphones each fit into this category, it should be noted that Microsofts use of the term Smartphone includes only more specific hardware devices that differ from Pocket PC phones. Such Smartphones were originally designed without touchscreens, intended to be operated more efficiently with only one hand, and typically had lower display resolution than Pocket PCs. Microsofts focus for the Smartphone platform was to create a device that functioned well as a phone and data device in a more integrated manner.[10] Version history Pocket PC 2000 Grid computing: connects geographically remote computers into a single network to create a virtual supercomputer by combining the computational power of all computers on the grid. Grid computing is a term referring to the combination of computer resources from multiple administrative domains to reach a common goal. The Grid can be thought of as a distributed system with non-interactive workloads that involve a large number of files. What distinguishes grid computing from conventional high performance computing systems such as cluster computing is that grids tend to be more loosely coupled, heterogeneous, and geographically dispersed. Although a grid can be dedicated to a specialized application, it is more common that a single grid will be used for a variety of different purposes. Grids are often constructed with the aid of general-purpose grid software libraries known as middleware. Grid size can vary by a considerable amount. Grids are a form of distributed computing whereby a super virtual computer is composed of many networked loosely coupled computers acting together to perform very large tasks. Furthermore, Distributed or grid computing in general is a special type of parallel computing that relies on complete computers (with onboard CPUs, storage, power supplies, network interfaces, etc.) connected to a network (private, public or the Internet) by a conventional network interface, such as Ethernet. This is in contrast to the traditional notion of a supercomputer, which has many processors connected by a local high-speed computer bus. Overview Grid computing combines computers from multiple administrative domains to reach common goal.[1] to solve a single task and may then disappear just as quickly. One of the main strategies of grid computing is to use middleware to divide and apportion pieces of a program among several computers, sometimes up to many thousands. Grid computing involves computation in a distributed fashion, which may also involve the aggregation of large-scale cluster computing-based systems. The size of a grid may vary from small-confined to a network of computer workstations within a corporation, for example-to large, public collaborations across many companies and networks. The notion of a confined grid may also be known as an intra-nodes cooperation whilst the notion of a larger, wider grid may thus refer to an inter-nodes cooperation.[2] Grids are a form of distributed computing whereby a super virtual computer is composed of many networked loosely coupled computers acting together to perform very large tasks. This technology has been applied to computationally intensive scientific, mathematical, and academic problems through volunteer computing, and it is used in commercial enterprises for such diverse applications as drug discovery, economic forecasting, seismic analysis, and back office data processing in support for e-commerce and Web servic Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access. This technology allows for much more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth. A simple example of cloud computing is Yahoo email or Gmail etc. You dont need a software or a server to use them. All a consumer would need is just an internet connection and you can start sending emails. The server and email management software is all on the cloud ( internet) and is totally managed by the cloud service provider Yahoo , Google etc. The consumer gets to use the software alone and enjoy the benefits. The analogy is , If you only need milk , would you buy a cow  ? All the users or consumers need is to get the benefits of using the software or hardware of the computer like sending emails etc. Just to get this benefit (milk) why should a consumer buy a (cow) software /hardware  ? Cloud computing is broken down into three segments: applications, platforms, and infrastructure. Each segment serves a different purpose and offers different products for businesses and individuals around the world. In June 2009, a study conducted by VersionOne found that 41% of senior IT professionals actually dont know what cloud computing is and two-thirds of senior finance professionals are confused by the concept,[1] highlighting the young nature of the technology. In Sept 2009, an Aberdeen Group study found that disciplined companies achieved on average an 18% reduction in their IT budget from cloud computing and a 16% reduction in data center power costs.[2] Cloud Computing Segments Applications: Its all On Demand So far the applications segment of cloud computing is the only segment that has proven useful as a business model.The Cloud Wars: $100 Billion at Stake, Published by Merrill Lynch, May 7, 2008 By running business applications over the internet from centralized servers rather than from on-site servers, companies can cut some serious costs. Furthermore, while avoiding maintenance costs, licensing costs and the costs of the hardware required to run servers on-site, companies are able to run applications much more efficiently from a computing standpoint. Who is Offering On Demand Software? The companies below are already established in the On-Demand software or SaaS business. These companies charge their customers a subscription fee and in return host software on central servers that are accessed by the end user via the internet. (CRM) Google (GOOG) NetSuite (N) Cordys Taleo (TLEO) Concur Technologies (CNQR) Who is Offering Traditional Software? The following companies have established themselves as traditional software providers. These companies sell licenses to their users, who then run the software from on premise servers. SAP AG (SAP) Oracle (ORCL) Blackbaud (BLKB) Lawson Software (LWSN) Blackboard (BBBB) Platforms: Many of the companies that started out providing On Demand application services have developed platform services as well. The platform segment of cloud computing refers to products that are used to deploy internet. NetSuite, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have also developed platforms that allow users to access applications from centralized servers. In July 2008, HP, Yahoo! (YHOO), and Intel (INTC) announced a joint cloud computing research project called the Cloud Computing Test Bed. The companies are jointly designing and producing the internet based testing utilizing HP hardware and Intel processors.[3] Active platforms The following companies are some that have developed platforms that allow end users to access applications from centralized servers using the internet. Next to each company is the name of their platform. Google (GOOG) Apps Engine (AMZN) EC2 Microsoft (MSFT) Windows Azure SAVVIS (SVVS) Symphony VPDC Terremark Worldwide (TMRK) The Enterprise Cloud (CRM) NetSuite (N) Suiteflex Rackspace Cloud cloudservers, cloudsites, cloudfiles Metrisoft Metrisoft SaaS Platform [1] SUN Oracle direct link Cordys Process Factory The Enterprise Cloud Platform Infrastructure: The final segment in cloud computing, known as the infrastructure, is very much the backbone of the entire concept. Infrastructure vendors environments (such as Google gears) that allow users to build applications. Cloud storage, such as Amazons S3, is also considered to be part of the infrastructure segment. Major Infrastructure Vendors Below are companies that provide infrastructure services: Google (GOOG) Managed hosting, development environment International Business Machines (IBM) Managed hosting SAVVIS (SVVS) Managed hosting cloud computing Terremark Worldwide (TMRK) Managed hosting (AMZN) Cloud storage Rackspace Hosting (RAX) Managed hosting cloud computing Explain how businesses can benefit from autonomic computing, virtualization, and multicore processors. Autonomic computing Benefits of autonomic computing include systems that automatically do the following: Configure themselves Optimize and tune themselves Heal themselves when broken Protect themselves from outside intruders and self-destruction Reduces maintenance costs Reduces downtime from system crashes Virtualization Benefits of server virtualization include: Run more than one operating system at the same time on a single machine. Increase server utilization rates to 70 percent or higher. Reduce hardware expenditures. Higher utilization rates translate into fewer computers required to process the same amount of work. Mask server resources from server users. Reduce power expenditures. Run legacy applications on older versions of an operating system on the same server as newer applications. Facilitates centralization of hardware administration. Multicore processors Benefits of multi-core processors: Cost savings by reducing power requirements and hardware sprawl Less costly to maintain as fewer systems need to be monitored. Performance and productivity benefits beyond the capabilities of todays single-core processors. Able to handle the exponential growth of digital data and the globalization of the Internet. Able to meet the demands of sophisticated software applications under development. Run applications more efficiently than single-core processors giving users the ability to keep working even while running the most processor intensive task in the background. Able to increase performance in areas such as data mining, mathematical analysis, and Web serving. What are the current trends in software platforms? Define and describe open source software and Linux and explain their business benefits. Open-source software provides all computer users with free access to the program code so they can modify the code, fix errors in it, or to make improvements. Open-source software is not owned by any company or individual. A global network of programmers and users manage and modify the software. By definition, open-source software is not restricted to any specific operating system or hardware technology. Several large software companies are converting some of their commercial programs to open source. Linux is the most well-known open-source software. Its a UNIX-like operating system that can be downloaded from the Internet, free of charge, or purchased for a small fee from companies that provide additional tools for the software. It is reliable, compactly designed, and capable of running on many different hardware platforms, including servers, handheld computers, and consumer electronics. Linux has become popular during the past few years as a robust low-cost alternative to UNIX and the Windows operating system. Thousands of open-source programs are available from hundreds of Web sites. Businesses can choose from a range of open-source software including operating systems, office suites, Web browsers, and games. Open-source software allows businesses to reduce the total cost of ownership. It provides more robust software thats often more secure than proprietary software. Define and describe Web services and the role played by XML. Web services offer a standardized alternative for dealing with integration across various computer platforms. Web services are loosely coupled software components based on XML and open Web standards that are not product specific and can work with any application software and operating system. They can be used as components of Web-based applications linking the systems of two different organizations or to link disparate systems of a single company. Web services are not tied to a particular operating system or programming language. Different applications can use them to communicate with each other in a standard way without time-consuming custom coding. XML provides a standard format for data exchange, enabling Web services to pass data from one process to another Businesses use Web services to tie their Web sites with external Web sites creating an apparently seamless experience for users. The benefit derives from not having to re-create applications for each business partner or specific functions within a single compan Name and describe the three external sources for software. Software packages from a commercial software vendor: prewritten commercially available set of software programs that eliminates the need for a firm to write its own software program for certain functions, such as payroll processing or order handling. Software-as-a-service: a business that delivers and manages applications and computer services from remote computer centers to multiple users using the Internet or a private network. Instead of buying and installing software programs, subscribing companies can rent the same functions from these services. Users pay for the use of this software either on a subscription or a per-transaction basis. The business must carefully assess the costs and benefits of the service, weighing all people, organizational, and technology issues. It must ensure it can integrate the software with its existing systems and deliver a level of service and performance that is acceptable for the business. Outsourcing custom application development: an organization contracts its custom software development or maintenance of existing legacy programs to outside firms, frequently firms that operate offshore in low-wage areas of the world An outsourcer often has the technical and management skills to do the job better, faster, and more efficiently. Even though its often cheaper to outsource the maintenance of an IT infrastructure and the development of new systems to external vendors, a business must weight the pros and cons carefully. Service level agreements are formal contracts between customers and service providers that define the specific responsibilities of the service provider and the level of service expected by the customer. QNO:5(B) Network economics refers to business economics that benefit from the network effect. This is when the value of a good or service increases when others buy the same good or service. Examples are website such as EBay, or iVillage where the community comes together and shares thoughts to help the website become a better business organization. In sustainability, network economics refers to multiple professionals (architects, designers, or related businesses) all working together to develop sustainable products and technologies. The more companies are involved in environmentally friendly production, the easier and cheaper it becomes to produce new sustainable products. For instance, if no one produces sustainable products, it is difficult and expensive to design a sustainable house with custom materials and technology. But due to network economics, the more industries are involved in creating such products, the easier it is to design an environmentally sustainable building. Another benefit of network economics in a certain field is improvement that results from competition and networking within an industry. Network Interactions Clearly, one of the principal facets of the Network Econ- omy is the interaction among the networks themselves. For example, the increasing use of e-commerce espe- cially in business to business transactions is changing not only the utilization and structure of the underlying logistical networks but is also revolutionizing how busi- ness itself is transacted and the structure of _rms and industries. Cellular phones are being using as vehicles move dynam- ically over transportation networks resulting in dynamic evolutions of the topologies themselves. This course also, under advanced topics explores the network interactions among such networks as transporta- tion networks and telecommunication networks, as well as _nancial networks

Friday, September 20, 2019

Googles Human Resource Management

Googles Human Resource Management James Bushor Many organizations want to be able to retain their employees because it benefits their organizations in the long run. Today, there are many organizations with high employee turnovers. High employee turnover can be a huge problem for most organizations because employee turnover is the number of employees they have to constantly hire to ensure that their organizations are operated consistently with their goals. High employee turnover can cost organizations at high expenses and can demonstrate a negative outcome on organizations. Ignoring this particular problem can lead to a destruction of an organization. Therefore, developing employee retention techniques is a best way to ensure that a needed number of employees remain employed while maintaining work performance and productivity. If employees are happy with their jobs at their organizations, it can lower their turnover rate. There are many organizations that successfully maintain its number of employees by its recruitment, selection, and retention practices. Google is going to be used as an example during discussion on this paper. Google has successfully maintained its retention of high quality employees by its retention program. Lombardo (2017) stated that Googles success is based on its high quality human resources. The company generally emphasizes smartness and excellence among its employees. Googles human resource management also includes carefully selected strategies, methods, and techniques for recruitment and selection, and for the retention of high quality workers. The firms recruitment practices and selection process ensure an adequate workforce. The retention programs at Google are designed to retain excellent employees. These programs also attract employees to the firm. The next section discusses how Google successfully maintains its number of employees by using its strategies, methods, and techniques for recruitment and selection, and for retention of high quality employees. Lombardo (2017) stated that Googles human resource management uses a mixture of internal and external recruitment sources to maintain the adequacy of its human resources. The company uses promotions, transfers, and trainees/interns as the main internal recruitment sources for HR needs. On the other hand, the external recruitment sources at Google include educational institutions and respondents to job advertisements. Google ads are mostly posted on Googles Careers website and on various websites through search engines and institutions. Also, Google sends their high-skilled recruiters to various educational institutions to give a presentation about its opportunities. Google successfully enables a constant arrival of qualified employees with these recruitment practices. Googles human resource management has settled the most significant criteria for the selection of applicants, which are smartness, creativity, drive for excellence, and alignment with the organization. Google does not view work experience as a major criterion for the selection process. Google mostly seeks potential applicants that strive for excellence and innovation. Google has goals to maximize innovation to support its broad differentiation strategy. That explains how Google successfully created a wide variety of applicable products and services that they provide to the world. Googles selection process commonly involves background checks, preliminary screening, on-the-job tests, and interviews. Googles human resource management uses various procedures and steps for various positions within Google. Google provides compensation packages to retain high qualified employees, which is one of the main Googles HRM tool to ensure that Googles operations are consistent with its goals and activities. Googles compensation packages are competitive and above average. Google provides high salaries and wages, free meals, incentives, and benefits to employees. The typical design of Googles offices highlights fun and creativity, which attract and retain high qualified employees. Googles HRM provides coaching and mentoring program to retain and develop employees with leadership potential (Lombardo, 2017). With those strategies, methods, and techniques that Google uses, organizations can achieve their desired goals to retain a number of employees. Also, those practices can reduce the costs of hiring process dramatically. Each organizations HRM should seek best practices that are shared widely by many organizations and also, they should create a new practice that supports their goals. Each organizations HRM should be encouraged to share their best practices with other organizations even though they may be in a competitive recruitment. Reference Lombardo, J. (2017). Googles HRM: Recruitment, Selection, Retention. Retrieved from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Aurobindonian Ontology: Salient Peculiarities :: Supernatural Mind Psychology Essays

Aurobindonian Ontology: Salient Peculiarities ABSTRACT: Aurobindo envisages a cosmic salvation via an endlessly open-ended, eternally optimistic, and forward-looking ontology. The purpose of humankind is to go beyond its present form of ordinary (mental) consciousness until it attains the Supermind. Aurobindo says this can be done by a technique he calls Integral Yoga that enables humankind to purposefully cooperate with the cosmic evolutionary urge and thereby rise from the present mental stage to the supramental stage. Another peculiarity of Aurobindo’s ontology is his concept of Brahman. It negates illusionism and gives his metaphysical scheme a religious dimension. There is no room in his system for any adversary, anti-Divine or Satan as an independent entity. Thus, evil and suffering also stand accounted for. Peculiarities of this order make him the very first and, so far, the only ontologist claiming a preordained divination of the universe. Aurobindo Ghose (1872 - 1950) was extraordinary as a man of learning . His knowledge of the world was encyclopaedic. The Wisdom he derived from it was astonishing in being synthesising, comprehensive and interpretative. Hence his familiarity with the scientific - materialistic nature of the West as also with the spirituality of the East. From 1901 onwards, especially from 1908 , he turned to the study and practice of yoga after unravelling the secret of the Veda, the Upanisads, the Bhagavadgita and other sacred writings of India. Factors like this account for the distinctive nature of the Integral philosophy and Yoga and ontology he has propounded. The most outstanding peculiarity of Aurobindonian ontology is its synthesising integrality leading to holism. It harmonises the western theories of evolution and life sciences with the mystical – spiritual theories of the Absolute as revealed in the Veda. On account of this , "spiritual evolution" or the evolution of consciousness b ecomes the sheet anchor of Aurobindo’s ontological argument. "Consciousness" for Aurobindo, is a rich and complex term. He believes that consciousness is inherent as much in seemingly inert matter as in plant, animal, human and suprahuman life. It participates in the various levels of being in various ways. The Spirit or Sachchidananda which means the highest level of "being, consciousness, and bliss" is nothing but the Absolute. Therefore , Aurobindonian ontological argument emerges from his ‘hierarchical view of consciousness or Spirit’. Accordingly Sachchidananda or the Divine is at the transcendent summit. The Supermind mediates Sachchidananda to the multiplicity of the world.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Importance of Education Essay -- Papers School Learning University

The Importance of Education Education has always been a crucial part of society for the past centuries. Some believe that our education is a privilege. Some believe that our education is a right. Some believe that our education is an obligation. The only obligation we might have towards education is to treat it as a privilege as well as a right, but certainly not an obligation to have an education. Education has been the basis for the success we see in our parents, our teachers, and more importantly, ourselves. Over time, people have considered and concluded that education is a privilege. Education is a privilege because not many people can afford an education, and we should be grateful that we have this opportunity that many do not have. I personally have seen that education is a privilege here at State University. This school is composed of people who aspire not to attain the idea of individuality, but rather to aspire to become one with their students. That is just one aspect of this school that makes the idea of education being a privilege more evident. Many schools do not offer such attention and caring. Many schools do not have the resources that State University attains. There are certainly people that are unable to even attend a community college because of financial difficulties. Such a disadvantage should make students, such as myself, realize what a valuable and powerful thing education can be, and it has. In some parts of society, families struggle to even put clothing on their children. Education to them is nothing but a mere image and fantasy. There are many reasons more than I have showed you to prove that education is a privilege. However, if I were to list them, the list would go on a... ...h. This happens because the student may feel as if what is being taught has no importance or any benefits. When the student is motivated and doesn?t feel obligated, his performance clearly displays such an attitude. They are more willing to learn and understand subjects that are being presented to them. By thinking that education is an obligation can have a definite negative effect on the student?s motivation and attitude. As you can see, education is not an obligation. It is, in essence, a right as well as a privilege. These remain evident because you cannot be denied an education based on your physical features, and your education is something that many do not have; therefore it is also a privilege. Education has been the backbone for the success of our parents, our teachers, and will be the backbone for us, the students; the future of this country.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Amadeus Movie Review Essay

The title of the movie should actually be â€Å"Salieri†, because the whole movie is really about his jealousy of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and how Salieri was overshadowed musically by Mozart. In the beginning, Salieri makes a â€Å"deal† with God so He will make Salieri a musical genius, and Salieri believes he has been granted this gift until the day Mozart comes to Vienna. Salieri immediately becomes jealous that God has bestowed upon Mozart the power he himself worked so desperately to achieve. From that point on, Salieri becomes obsessed with conspiring against Mozart, at one point paying a maid to go to Mozart’s place to spy while she is cleaning and report back to him. Eventually, though indirectly, Salieri kills Mozart. The major theme in this movie is the jealousy of Salieri, and how it consumed his every waking thought. It is somewhat depressing because it also shows all the hard work of Salieri with no success and the ease of Mozart’s ability when to him composing music is quite easy. Though the plot is fairly realistic, it is not completely historically accurate. Mozart was even more rambunctious and childish than portrayed in the film, and the ending is dramatized for the â€Å"Hollywood effect.† The acting though, is very well done. Director Milos Forman did a great job directing F. Murray Abraham (Salieri) and Tom Hulce (Mozart) to stardom. They make the two and half-hours of wigs, wigs, opera, and more wigs bearable. Together they bring the silver screen alive and take us from our era into that of Mozart very seamlessly. The sets are amazing, with great attention to detail and depth. The scenes where the operas take place are very well set up, and they fit in nicely with the time period. The costumes, too, are quite the feat. The many layers (of the women’s costumes especially) look extremely complicated to make, and the scene at the party where Mozart plays the piano upside-down showcases these costumes beautifully. I don’t know if I am more impressed by the designers or the actors and actresses who wore them because they look so hot! The wigs are a defining part of the costumes in the film. The most striking reasons these are so appealing and dramatic are that they are so big and almost appallingly white. Some of the Women’s wigs are even topped  with a huge hat to match the dress or some other exotic object. If you don’t watch this movie for any other reason, watch it for the costumes. The makeup artist did a good job, but nothing spectacular or worth highlighting. There aren’t many special effects, so adding some in there may have made the movie that much more enjoyable. Overall, I give the movie 1  ½ stars, because the actors really knew their stuff but the plot wasn’t all that entertaining. I think the best part overall was Mozart’s laugh, and the soundtrack was really very enjoyable. I recommend this film to those who wish to learn more about Salieri, and not Mozart, because the movie doesn’t really focus much on him. Rent this film if you have absolutely nothing else to do on a Saturday night but you probably won’t be able to finish watching it unless you’re a major cultural history junkie. Other than that, a note to the intended audiences (like I said, the culture gurus): enjoy! To the casual moviegoer who likes action or romance: beware- you probably won’t be able to watch the whole 160 minutes of Amadeus.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Maria Teresa Tula Essay

Learn about Maria Teresa Tula, a leader of COMADRES, by accessing Maria Teresa was kidnapped, raped several times, and severely beaten, yet she continued her struggle even when family members rejected her for being raped. However, rejection after being raped triggered her questioning about women’s subordinated position in society and helped her to start seeing the world through gender eyes. Read about her story and then write a paragraph about your personal reaction to Maria Teresa Tula’s decision to join COMADRES and her bravery to continue the struggle after rape and torture. -I was astonished with Maria Teresa Tula’s decision to join COMADRES and her bravery to continue the struggle after rape and torture. With the first attack toward her husband I would have tried to escape but instead she got more involve and was fighting for the rights of everyone. She did not get attack once but about three times and she continued fi ghting for human rights. Leaving her kids behind and just staying with her two youngest must have been the most difficult decision for a woman to do and because of her bravery I admire her. 2. What are they saying in these songs? What does Sting mean when saying â€Å"they dance alone? -â€Å"Bullet The Blue Sky† single from The Joshua Tree album it is about an actual experience that Bono had while visiting El Salvador. There he saw women whose children had been imprisoned or murdered by the military regime there. He was inspired by it and immediately wrote the lyrics for the song. It is a song about protesting against corruption, hypocorism, weapon and people being terrified. – â€Å"They Dance Alone† was written after Sting saw a brief news story about women dancing in the streets of Chile torn apart by the Pinochet regime. The women were dancing in the streets with pictures of their husbands, fathers, brothers or sons pinned to their clothes or they were holding the pictures and danc ing with them. It is a beautiful song saying what the women in Chile were unable to express. It tells a story about a woman a daughter, a wife or a mother how they are left dancing alone because of the killing of their love ones. This songs makes you feel and understand what the people were going through. At the end of the song I love how it states Pinochet: â€Å"Can you think of your own mother dancin’ with her invisible son?† In other words, â€Å"Watch it, mate. You’ll get what’s comin’ to ya!† 3. Why did the government violate human rights? Who collaborated with/supported the government in the fight against â€Å"communism â€Å"? -The  government violates human rights because after the Cuban Revolution, Latin America became an important theater of the Cold War and for the U.S.-backed â€Å"Operation Condor† in South America. Operation Condor was conducted as a campaign of terror involving assassination and intelligence operations by dictato rships of the Southern Cone of South America; it had the tacit approval of the United States. It was a program aimed to eradicate communist or Soviet influence and ideas in Latin America. -What is the Cold War? How is the Cold War related to the events in Central America? – The Cold War was the tense relationship between the United States (and its allies) and the Soviet Union (USSR, and its allies) between the end of World War II and the demise of the Soviet Union; i.e. the years 1945 to 1991. This war was unlike other wars in that the two sides never clashed directly in battle. – The Cold War was related to the events in Central America because it altered Latin America’s relationship to the United States profoundly, as the region became a battleground between two competing ideological systems—capitalism and communism. Prior to the Cold War, both economic and geopolitical concerns had motivated U.S. policy toward Latin America. But, after the lowering of the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe, George Kennan, the chief architect of American foreign policy towards the Soviet Union, advocated containment to halt the spread of communism, not just in Europe, but globally. The result was a bipolar world featuring proxy wars fought throughout the Third World by surrogates and clients of the two superpowers. Latin American nations, historically considered to be part of â€Å"our backyard,† were not permitted to remain neutral as Washington expected Latin America to ally with the United States while the Soviet Union sought to gain access to what had been an American sphere of influence. – What were the major violations of human rights in El Salvador and Guatemala? How did women react to the kidnapping, torture, murder, and disappearance of their loved ones? – The major violations of human rights was people disappearing , the tortured, the jailed, and the murdered were the so-called subversives, members of communist organizations, armed guerrilla groups, or/and agents of international communism, and whoever was  suspected of these activities. These open violations of human rights were based on ideological grounds and were used to stop the spread of revolutions in the region. Most of the victims were young people who saw the example of Cuba as a solution for poverty and social inequality in Latin America. – The women react were condemned to silence, form fear of losing their own lives or being disappeared. This atmosphere of impunity, silence, and fear was challenged by mothers, grandmothers, wives, aunts, sisters, and nieces of the disappeared. In countries such as Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, and Guatemala, women formed massive movements of civil confrontation to search for the truth about their disappeared relatives. These women were regular housewives; some did not have a formal education, others did not even know how to speak Spanish (the case of Guatemala), and most were oblivious to any ideological militancy. Their trigger to action was their love, a mother love. – Why are these movements labeled as the â€Å"Gendering of Human Rights? -The movements labeled as the â€Å"Gendering of Human Rights† was women engaged in human rights struggles that not only transformed their countries but also their own lives. They challenged their traditional assigned gender roles. Through their actions women became protagonists in the struggle for human rights and democracy in Latin America. In so doing, women appropriated public spaces formerly reserved for men. Their massive presence in plazas, streets, mass media, congress, international forums, and wearing black dresses (COMADRES), white scarves covering their heads, holding colorful quilts (Arpilleras), dressed in traditional Mayan attires, and all holding a photograph of their missing relatives, impregnated the world’s collective memory. Some exaples are, , the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo of Argentina, Las Arpilleras or quilt-makers of Chile, the National Committee of Guatemalan Widows (CONAVIGUA), and the Committee of Mothers and Relatives of Prisoners, the Disappeared and the Politically Assassinated of El Salvador (Monseà ±or Oscar Arnulfo Romero) (COMADRES). – What were the major accomplishments of these women’s organizations? -Some of the major accomplishments of these women’s organization were that women’s actions have brought a different understanding of feminism. By feminism, I refer to ideology that seeks gender equality or equality between women and  men. Women departing from their traditional role of mothers created movements that transformed forever women’s lives and politics in Latin American nations. Without shooting a single bullet and developing peaceful movements of civil disobedience, they helped to overthrow dictatorships and end civil wars. Women gained consciousness and citizenship. Last but not least, women empowered themselves through education and exposure to national and international forums.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analysis of The Masque of the Red Death Essay

Writer’s Name Professor’s Name English 101 14 November 2013 Chasing Time Edgar strikes fear in the eyes of the reader as the adventure of The Masque of the Red Death takes one through the life cycle from the beginning to death. A terrible disease stormed through the country, killing anyone in it’s path. Not only was it madly gruesome, but dreadfully fatal. With only half of the kingdom left alive, Prince Prospero decided to take the route of a coward. He let the kingdom fend for themselves, while he gathered a thousand of his favorite knights and ladies and had a never-ending party, â€Å"When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to is presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court† (Poe 3). Once the last guest entered the gate doors, no one came in, and no one gets out (seeing as the Prince welded the gates shut). After a few months the prince decided to throw a breathtaking masquerade ball. As instructed, the guests wore elaborate costumes and masks. The party took place in a strange design and setup. A series of 7 rooms lead you from the beginning to the end of the party. Throughout all of the rooms, every single one was a bright and cheery color, all but the last room. Black dark and terrifying, what more could one want the 7th and final room to be? Poe takes the reader through a fearful Journey, never letting you sit down to have a cup of tea, never letting you feel at home. He wants to put the reader on their toes, awaiting a pop-up scene at any moment, awaiting the â€Å"Red Death†. Although his guests loved all of the light and youthful rooms, only the brave and adventurous stray away to the depressed gloomy last and final room. The final room contained numerous clocks that ring and ring every hour, with each ding the partiers stop and pause till the clocks are done. As the clocks struck midnight, everyone noticed a new guest, a very gruesome guest, â€Å"there were many individuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware of the presence of a masked fgure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before† (Poe 7). The Prince did not find any humor in the fact that the guest was dressed up as the â€Å"Red Death†. With that, the Prince ran after the guest. Prince Prospera ran furiously through the rooms slowly reaching the last and final room, death. Prince Prosperds party showed Poe’s amazing ability to bring symbolism and themes together to form a piece of literary artwork. As the reader visualizes the party, you see 7 rooms moving from east to west. Each room essentially is a different ‘stage’ of the human life. Every room has a different color, which suggests that stage of human life. What first gave away that the suite was set up to be viewed as a life cycle, was the arrangement of rooms from east to west. How brilliant it was to connect this life cycle of a human with the life cycle of a day. East is usually associated with beginnings and birth seeing as its the beginning of a new day. On the contrary, as the sun sets in the West, people usually associate that with the end and death. sense of rebirth. The color suggests the unknown from which a human being arrives into this world. Following that, the purple room proposes the idea of beginnings of growth, and green being the â€Å"spring† of life. Orange represents the summer and autumn of life, while white suggests aging. In the end violet, shadowy and dark, prepares you for the last room, death. Almost all but a few partiers stay clear of the black room, and why is that? It symbolizes their fear of the unknown, there fear death. â€Å"But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire- light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, nd produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all† (Poe 5). As the ‘Red Death’ walks from the blue room to the black room, Prospero follows it and they walks the course of life, flowwing from birth to death. He rushes from the blue room to the black room, where he eventually dies. His party guests also run into the black room to unmask the Red Death, and also die. The course the characters walk in the story is both literally and metaphorically the course from life to death. â€Å"And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped the revellers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall† (Poes 10). It was no coincidence that Poe wrote ‘like a thief in the night’ as an ending for his short story. This piece of scripture is one of the most famous lines from the Bible. The line derives from Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians 5:4, where he refers to the last judgement. According to Paul, Jesus or God will appear when the world is least expecting it, and Judge all sinners for all ages. Poe uses Paul’s phrase and relates it to he Red Death. In the story, the Red Death might seem like an â€Å"apocalyptic† figure, something that symbolizes the end of the world. Like the sinners in the scripture, the Prince and all of his friends stupidly ignore the inevitability of death. Instead they take in all of â€Å"lifes pleasures†, and in the end they pay the price. The only difference is that instead of a Judgement day, and giving everyone a fair chance, the Red Death happily massacres everyone. The clocks in the story symbolizes life ticking away directly in front of the partygoers faces. They stop each hour to hear the long ding-dong of the large ebony locks, â€Å"And then, for a moment, all is still, and all is silent save the voice of the clock† (Poe 6). The clock stopped ticking with the last guest’s death, and it was like the clock represented the countdown to death and the people knew it. Poe’s main goal in The Masque of the Red Death is to spawn a growing sense of horror and dread in his reader. Throughout the story the guests of Prince Prospero fear the black room almost as much as they fear death itself. The guests of the party not only give the reader the experience of the cycle of life, but an insight on Poe’s insightful use of Bible verses.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Articles of Confederation provided the United States with an effective government Essay

Using the documents and your knowledge of the period, evaluate this statement. From 1781 up until 1789 the United States government was based off of the principles of the Articles of Confederation which were created after the Revolutionary War. The articles of confederation created a republic which limited its leaders from much of the powers needed in order to successfully govern the country. This lead to many state disputes, and political struggles. On the contrary, the Articles set up a framework for the U.S. Constitution that lead to a strong centralized government and the prosperity of the United States. The limits put forth by the Articles of Confederation led to state and political disputes, and foreign affairs, but it also had strong and effective characteristics to support a government. The Articles of Confederation’s strong views of a republic and steps set up to avoid autocracy lead to many disputes in the states. Fresh off of the war for independence with Britain, the founding fathers wrote the Articles of Confederation to ensure that their new independent country would not resemble the Autocracy that they had just liberated themselves from, so the created a republic. Their first attempt, the Articles of Confederation, caused many problems throughout the country. A major problem causer was the clause that majority vote had to be achieved in order to pass a law. This was a major problem between states for instance a letter from Rhode Island to congress stated, † I enclose their unanimous resolution [to reject] the recommendation of congress, respecting their impost on imported goods†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (document a) . Rejections of laws were a major problem between states at the time because some laws would benefit states in the south but not the north making it very difficult to pass a majority vote. One states interests could effect another’s simply by rejecting to vote. Another major  problem with the government the articles set up was their inability to make any revenue. Since the national government did not have the power to tax states they had very little. The quote by a former soldier of the revolution, â€Å"Every class of public creditors must know the inability of congress to pay their demands, unless furnished by the means of several states†¦ (doc C)† shows Congress’ lack of money and their inability to supply the people with what they need. In order to successfully run a government money is needed and the articles of confederation made it very difficult for congress to make any. In John Jays letter to George Washington, his fear of the government collapsing due to lack of money and power make known the problems the Articles of Confederation have brought upon the nation. † †¦We are going and doing wrong, and therefore I look forward to evils and calamities, but without being able to guess at the instrument, na ture or measure of them†¦(doc G)† Jay predicts that if the country stays on the path it is heading, the rich and powerful will obtain more power then the government leading to the complete failure of the articles of confederation. While many changes were made by the Articles of Confederation in order separate their habits from that of Great Britain, it caused many disputes between the states and federal government. After the Revolution and the Creation of the Articles of Confederation, foreign affairs began occurring quite frequently. After the war with Britain, exports between the United States and Britain decreased from around 6 million dollars to around 4 million and stayed their consistently from 1784 to 1792 (Doc B) . The decrease of trade was a major problem for a new country in the beginning stages of development, and also the population was rising each year which lead to a greater demand of trade goods and foods. Another foreign affair that arose was loyalists who had left the country for safety wanted payment of debts owed to them before the war. Under the articles of confederation they were not required to receive former debts and Britain was required to cede all territories in their limits to the U.S. (doc D) The demands ensuing to the war lead Britain, France, and Spain to restrict U.S. trade with their territories. Foreign affairs also arose with Spain for they had control of much of the land west of the Mississippi River. Another speech by John Jay, this time to Spain’s minister Diego de  Gardoqui, tells of Americans ambitious of expanding westward and that the jump to use the Mississippi and its territories are imminent. Minister Gardoqui disagrees and feels the people are 15-20 years away from wanting to move west.(doc F) Since their is no restriction in the Articles of Confederation to move west, like their was by Britain in the Proclamation of 1763, this causes a problem between Spain and the U.S. The Articles of Confederation lead to many foreign affairs following its establishment in 1781. Though many problems arose stemming from the Articles of Confederation it also had its positive affects towards the united states government. The main goal of congress when writing the document was to limit the power of the federal government and leave the power in the hands of the people. It may have limited the power of congress to much too large of an extent but it succeeded in limiting the government. Also the fundamental rights of the people, policy on foreign affairs, and establishment of a democratic republic created a sturdy framework for the U.S. Constitution which is still prominent today. The belief that the Articles of Confederation made a solid structure for the Constitution was shown by Rawlin Lowndes in his speech to the South Carolina State of Representatives. The quote by Lowndes, † I solemnly called on the house to consider whether it would not be better to add strength to the old confederation, instead of hastily adapting another; asking whether a man could be looked on as wise, who, possessing a magnificent building, upon discovering a flaw, instead of repairing the injury, should pull it down†¦(doc H)†. Lowndes describes the Articles of Confederation as a â€Å"magnificent building† that has minor flaws that easily could be repaired into a strong basis of government. The Articles of Confederation have the right concepts, they just need some improvements to overcome the many problems associated with them. Between 1781 and 1789 the Articles of Confederation set up an effective means of government that worked well for the short time it was in use, but it also developed problems between states, politics, and foreign affairs. In the documents, problems were brought up describing the limited power congress had, and the troubles between the U.S, Britain, and Spain. These  problems lead to the reformation of the Confederation after 1789 in which the U.S constitution was born.